Registration or re-registration after a period of three years lapsed

If you have been removed from the SAVC register for more than three years and/or failed to register after three years lapsed since you received your degree, diploma or certificate, the SAVC will evaluate your application to determine if a re-registration can take place.

Registration after a period of three years lapsed since obtaining the prescribed qualification

If you have a prescribed animal health technician qualification, but failed to register within a three-year period of qualifying, you are obligated to sit, and pass, the SAVC registration examination.

You will also need to submit activities completed as part of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) during the period that you were not registered with Council. The approval for registration and/or re-registration with Council will be assessed on an individual basis and merit. If recommended for the examination, the format of the examination will be assessed on individual merit, which could be theoretical, practical or a combination of both. Part of the consideration would include the frequency during which CPD was obtained in the period of not being registered with Council.

Read the full guidelines before submitting the application to register.

Complete the application for registration after a period of three years lapsed.

Re-registration after a period of three years lapsed since the date of removal from the register

The Act determines that a registree whose name was removed from the register for a period longer than three years must sit, and pass, the SAVC registration examination to be re-registered with the SAVC.

The assessment of applications submitted for re-registration after three years lapsed would include the attendance and frequency of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities during the period of not being registered with Council. The approval for re-registration with Council would be assessed on an individual basis and on merit. If recommended for the SAVC registration examination, the format of the examination would be assessed on individual merit, which could be theoretical, practical or a combination of both. Part of the consideration would include the frequency during which CPD was obtained in the period of not being registered with Council.

Read the full guidelines before submitting the application to re-register.

Complete the application for re-registration after a period of three years lapsed.

Registration after a period of three years lapsed since obtaining the prescribed qualification

Registration after a period of three years lapsed since obtaining the prescribed qualification

If you have a prescribed animal health technician qualification, but failed to register within a three-year period of qualifying, you are obligated to sit, and pass, the SAVC registration examination.

You will also need to submit activities completed as part of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) during the period that you were not registered with Council. The approval for registration and/or re-registration with Council will be assessed on an individual basis and merit. If recommended for the examination, the format of the examination will be assessed on individual merit, which could be theoretical, practical or a combination of both. Part of the consideration would include the frequency during which CPD was obtained in the period of not being registered with Council.

Read the full guidelines before submitting the application to register.

Complete the application for registration after a period of three years lapsed.

Re-registration after a period of three years lapsed since the date of removal from the register

Re-registration after a period of three years lapsed since the date of removal from the register

The Act determines that a registree whose name was removed from the register for a period longer than three years must sit, and pass, the SAVC registration examination to be re-registered with the SAVC.

The assessment of applications submitted for re-registration after three years lapsed would include the attendance and frequency of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities during the period of not being registered with Council. The approval for re-registration with Council would be assessed on an individual basis and on merit. If recommended for the SAVC registration examination, the format of the examination would be assessed on individual merit, which could be theoretical, practical or a combination of both. Part of the consideration would include the frequency during which CPD was obtained in the period of not being registered with Council.

Read the full guidelines before submitting the application to re-register.

Complete the application for re-registration after a period of three years lapsed.